Saturday, 26 December 2015

..but I want to QUIT.

OK the year is almost coming to an end hmm mm,in the beginning of 2015 we wrote down a lot of things to achieve,we wrote down a lot of things to cut down on,we wrote down the dates of our weddings like me, Lol but some of these things didn’t come to pass, will you now say because they didn’t happen you give up? No ways,For me this year i had to do bridesmaids and chief bridesmaid for about 4 friends……….. hehe don’t mind me tho I aint got 27 dresses yet(the movie) talk less of the aseobi(countless) . I believe God saves the best wine for the last , don’t feel depressed because He is the author and finisher of our faith. 

 I want to encourage you NOT to quit. WHEN we are tested we go through a season of weaning. This is where God is weaning us from bad emotions, bad relationships. Can you imagine yourself as dough? God flattens you all the way out and then he takes a cookie cutter and presses down really hard. (while you are screaming, OUCH--that HURTS! I like my wrong attitudes, I like my stuff, I like this.. that hurts God!!)THEN, He starts pulling off the dough around the cookie cutter,these include those friendships, relationships, or anything that doesn't qualify to be in your life.Lets make 2016 a year of the dough……. It's hard to lose friendships with people that you care about, especially when their season is up in your life.  No hard feelings at all because I know this .."A Friend sticks closer than a brother." (Proverbs 18:24) you should  understand that where God is taking you in  life, everybody can't come. Long story short, everybody cannot be your friend & when you start placing your value in some stuff, God will rip it from under you. If you have to have anything more than HIM to be satisfied, Satan will use it against you. Over and over again(rolls eyes).

So as you are going through this season of weaning, it may seem like God forgot about you, or things aren't quite working out, but I want you to know that God is behind the scenes, working out everything for YOUR good. He is rebuilding your foundation. Most of us kinda sorta trust God and HE wants your LIFE when you trust him. He doesn't want to be your Sunday morning.He wants to infiltrate every part of your being .. and then OUT of that flows godly relationships, the right attitude on your job, pure trust in and everything else. So now that your foundation is SET, when the winds & storms of life come, it won't"blow" your house down. It will be able to withstand some things. So don't resist Him. Is there an area in your life that you are playing tug-of-war with God? Its time to sit down and write those things,pray on them and believe God for the best.

Here are a few tips on what you should do
GO harder. 

Whenever I get tested, I recognize that I need to make sure that I'm fellow shipping with God. As soon as that connection is secure, my entire outlook changes,the grass becomes a bit greener.and it's not because anything has changed, but because my perspective has changed. Spending time with God will give you HOPE in hopeless situations. And you aren't spending time with God to get Him to "do something for you"--for GOD wants your heart, all of it. He wants you to be satisfied with Him, and Him alone. So let's all walk together. Let's pass these tests. And when the pressure gets turned up..that means that you are so close to your breakthrough. However, you must settle this trust in your heart, that even if it doesn't happen, you TRUST God. The plans that He has for your life are good! He loves you!!

 Spend time with God?

The same way you would spend time with a friend. Just sit there.. vent to Him, put on beautiful worship music (my favorite gospel artists are Jesus Culture, Hillsong & Kari Jobe), journal to Him, go out to eat, cook with Him, acknowledge HIM, read a bible you can understand (new living translation, message bible, AMP). Make it fun! Go to a park, on a rooftop, in your closet.

So, Smile, find joy in a hopeless world & keep your eyes on heaven & not on earth. LIFE is but a vapor, you'll blink and end up at the gates of heaven or hell. So don't get so distracted with the details of life. Just serve Him instead & He'll make all things plain to you.

Compliments of the season..............



  1. Lovely and instructive piece! A guide to look beyond one's disappointments/grief and unto the ultimate purpose, and all the while not giving up. Thanks for sharing.

  2. Thank you for the reminder, it all about HIM. The HE would make everything about you.... Funke
