Monday, 8 January 2018


Abortion. I just heard your sigh. If you're as private as I am then this post may make you uncomfortable especially if what happened was a secret, which most times it’s always a secret. Today i stand as a friend to help you expose the wound so you can receive perfect healing from the lord, because I went through that trauma and I know what it feels like. 

For some, pregnancy came from the act of fornication, some in marriage and others from rape. Whatever scenario, first things first, God has a purpose for every child he puts here on this earth and even if a child is unexpected they still should have the opportunity to live and be taken care of by the parents, other relatives or by means of adoption. I know you're thinking "did you really write this post to make me feel bad about what I already know”. The truth is NO but it's important there are no blurry lines on this and for those considering abortion that they reconsider. 

Christ doesn't desire abortion and even though you may have done this once you confess and repent he remembers your sin no more (1 John 1:9) you are free and your past has no hold over you. However for many of us, the stigma is real. The pain is so fresh that it makes you sick. You then begin to ask yourself questions, the devil plays with your emotions, you harbor so much hate and dislike with the person who made you go through such.  Every time you see a baby you imagine what he/she may have looked like. I want to break down the effects of what has most likely been occurring with you and how you can be free. So here it goes:

                        Guilt - You constantly feel bad about what you did
               Shame - You feel humiliated and regretful about the abortion and this makes you secretive about it because you're afraid of what others will say or think
             Self-hatred - You hate yourself and can't go beyond what you did. This can be reflected in low self-esteem and self-destructive behavior.
                   Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - This is an anxiety disorder that occurs after a traumatic event. What occurs are nightmares and even flashbacks which bring back fear, guilt and can lead to isolation
                       Anger/Rage - You have outbursts over little things
                     Addictions (sex, drugs, alcohol) - This has become an outlet from the pain so you continue to practice it because it provides temporary relief. Some of you may be practicing sex continuously in the hopes of getting pregnant again and feeling awful when you keep seeing your period.
·                     Depression & suicide - This is where you feel so low and you look at life through dark lenses. This can lead you to a place where you want to end your life.
·                     Spiritual attacks from the spirit of death due to the open door - Now this is not for everyone, but where abortion has occurred severally and there has not been repentance the doors are still open. Abortion opens up doors that gives the spirit of death legal grounds to torment the person. 
·                     Denial - Some of you are in denial all together and whenever reminded of the abortion, block it out of your thoughts and act as though it never occurred.

If some or all of the above resonates with you, it's time to get whole and i want to help you. The first thing i want you to understand is the depth of God's love for you. There is no mistake you can ever make that will cause him to hate you and i want to reference 1 John 1:9 again. It says “If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness." You do not have to be bound to your past mistakes there is freedom in Jesus Christ (John 8:36). What you did doesn't define who you are, your identity is in Christ (Galatians 2:20 & 1 Peter 2:9) If you haven't repented, come to God with an open heart and repent for what happened. Repentance is the act of turning away from your sin and yielding yourself to God.

In addition to this some of you may be running around like a Martha (Luke 10:38-42) and have become so work based to make up to God for what happened. That stops today. Your works doesn't make God approve of you he loves you regardless. The bible says in Ephesians 2:8-9 For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God not of works lest anyone should boast."

Below i want you to see steps on recovery as it has also helped me;

Acknowledge the wound - This is where you have to come face to face with the wound and admit it still hurts you. Its only when you do this will there be a cry for help. You don't have to bleed in private anymore.

Speak up - Where secrets thrive darkness hides, its important that you expose what occurred whether to a trusted friend, leader in Christ who can help you with deliverance if necessary, or a counsellor.

Post Abortion Support Groups - There are groups that take women through therapy where they are able to express their feelings and get help.

Prayer & The Word Of God - As you're being open and receiving wise counsel it's important that you are connected to God. Pray about what's on your heart, cast your burdens to God and stand on his word. You can do scripture studies on your new identity in Christ or on forgiveness, overcoming pain, healing etc. The word of God is life so as you meditate on it, it’s building you up and tearing down the lies of the enemy.

Forgiving yourself and other parties involved - As you grieve you may pick a part of yourself and find you have developed strong unforgiveness for parties involved. This could be those at the abortion clinic, parents, ex-boyfriend,rapist, etc. Understanding that Christ has forgiven you from all of your sins intentional and unintentional through what was done on the cross should soften your heart to let go. Forgiveness frees you from bitterness and opens your heart to receive from God. Its hard to have a heart open to God when its laden with unforgiveness. Ask God to give you the grace to forgive and let go, you can do this.

Worship - Worship postures your heart to surrender. When you lift up the name of the lord your burdens will melt like wax in his presence. Play worship music regularly and worship in song constantly.

Before i leave you with a set of scriptures, i want to say to you that are unmarried, your abortion doesn't disqualify you from ever getting married and having children. You will be a great wife and mother and the lord knows your future children by name and he will open your womb and give children to you and your one day husband. 


  1. very deep and inspiring. thanks for sharing

  2. Nice article.
    Isaiah 1:18 says 'though your sins are like scarlet, they will be made white as snow; though they are as red as crimson cloth, they will become like wool', God forgives in a large way.

  3. Inspiring and insightful. The blood of Jesus cleanses totally...

  4. Soothing, encouraging and relieving
    Nice one

    1. thank you Freda, Gods love is ultimate , well thought out and expressed
